WCRP Open Science Conference

Open Science Conference of the World Climate Research Programme

October 23 – 27, 2023

The 2nd Open Science Conference of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, at the Kigali Convention Centre (KCC), from 23 to 27 October 2023, hosted by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) on behalf of the Government of Rwanda. Meeting in the heart of the African continent will promote strong engagement with research communities, stakeholders and practitioners from Rwanda and the broader African region.

This once-in-a-decade conference will bring together the climate, environment, and related communities to discuss the latest developments in climate science and explore the transformative actions urgently needed to ensure a sustainable future.

KADI presentations at the WCRP

Below you can find a list of presentations from the KADI project partners

Monday 23rd October, 10:00 -12:30

François Engelbrecht: Climate change and the Durban floods: the need for attribution science in the Global South (Oral presentation in Session 24)

François Engelbrecht: The WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS): towards seamless access to Earth System Predictions (Oral presentation in Session 39)

Tuesday 24th October, 10:00- 12:30

François Engelbrecht: An African-based Earth System model: verification of land-atmosphere fluxes (Keynote presentation in Session 11)

Wednesday 25th October, 14:00-16:00

Matthew Saunders: Designing a pan-African climate observation system to deliver societal benefit through climate action: The KADI project (Keynote presentation in Session 36)

Thomas Bornman: Development of a pilot Coastal GHG Observing System in southern Africa (Oral presentation in Session 36)

Poster presentations

Monday 23rd October, poster number S39-03

Marisa Gonzales et al: Diversifying climate service co-production processes in Africa with knowledge and data driven research infrastructures

Wednesday 25th October, poster number S36-02

Joerg Klausen et al: Taking stock of observing capabilities for designing a pan-African atmospheric and climate research infrastructure (KADI): Lessons learnt from Kenya and best practices


More information about the programme and registration can be found on the event website.